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Doc Organizer

Doc Organizer

  • 大小:0.3M
  • 语言:英文
  • 类别: 系统辅助
  • 系统:Win All

Doc Organizer(把输出的文本保存成ANSI格式或者Unicod格式) mtee可以把输出的文本保存成ANSI格式或者Unicod格式

MTEE [/A | /U] [/C] [/D] [/T] [[/+] file] [...]

/A Convert output to ANSI. Default output is the same as input
/C Continue if errors occur opening/writing to file (advanced users only)
/D Prepends each line with local date in YYYY-MM-DD format (ISO-8601).
/T Prepends each line with local time in HH:MM:SS.MSS format (ISO-8601).
/U Convert output to Unicode. Default output is the same as input
/+ Append to existing file. If omitted, existing file is overwritten
file File to receive the output. File is overwritten if /+ not specified
... Any number of additional files. Use /+ before each file to append
The parameters can be specified in any order. The only requirement is that

版本: 2.0 英文绿色版 | 更新时间: 2018-04-10



Doc Organizer评论

  • 1楼 华军网友 2020-07-10 01:24:31
    Doc Organizer很好用,谢谢啦!!
  • 2楼 华军网友 2018-05-28 17:12:46
    Doc Organizer整体感觉不错,还是挺满意的,安装运行很流畅!按照安装步骤指导来非常顺利!
  • 3楼 华军网友 2019-09-09 07:47:45
    Doc Organizer希望可以越做越好,加油!




